Medieval Ethiopian History
- Ethiopian Manuscripts: Bindings and Illustration
- History of Ethiopian Church Presence in Jerusalem
- Artistic Developments of the Gondar Period
- Ethiopian Christian Art: Icons, Wall Paintings and Manuscripts
- Ethiopian-Indian Relations in Ancient and Early Medieval Times
- Ethio-Indian Trade, and Slaves, in Medieval Times
- The Microfilming of Ethiopian Manuscripts: A Nostalgic View
- The Preservation of Ethiopian Culture
- Lives of Ethiopian Saints
- Ethiopia’s Missing Statues
- Traditional Ethiopian Medical Text-Books, and Botanical Gardens
- How To Lose Your History
- The Lalibala Churches
- King Lalibala and his Monolithic Churches
- The Medical Activities of James Bruce, and his 19th Century Successors in Ethiopia
- Medical Activities in Early Times of Ethiopia
- Innovation, or Lack of It, in Medieval and Gondarine Times
- Ideas of Innovation in Medieval Times in Ethiopia
- Ancient and Medieval Life in Ethiopia
- Missionary Education – and Literacy – in the Nineteenth Century - in Ethiopia
- Some Ethiopian Early Foreign-Educated Students
- Missionary Printing – and Ethiopian Early Study Abroad
- Ge’ez Literature, Church Libraries, and the Coming, from Europe, of the Printed Word
- Education and Literacy in Old-Time Ethiopia: Christian, Muslim, and Falasha
- Poetical and Other Studies in Ethiopia
- The Half-Falasha Emperor Ya’qob Overthrown, and His Brothers Rebel
- Imperial Dynastic Marriages and the Beta Esra’el, or Falashas
- Ethiopia’s Half-Falasha Emperor Ya’qob
- The Tragic Fire at Dabra Damo Monastic Library
- A Tale of Four Chruches
- Saint Matthew, and Two Eighteenth Century Italian Artists, and Their Ethiopian Vision
- Ethiopia, Egypt, and the Nile: An Historical Fantasy (Part 2)
- Ethiopia, Egypt, and the Nile: An Historical Fantasy (Part 1)
- The Ethiopian- Egyptian War: 1874 –1876
- History of Ethiopian Church Presence in Jerusalem
- Ethiopian Christ icon found 500 years on
Modern Ethiopian History
- Prelude to Ethiopian Revolution
- Man of the Year: Haile Selassie - TIME Magazine
- The Africans who fought in WWII
- Haile Selassie in America: Q & A with Professor Ted Vestal
- An Ethiopian hero of the Korean War [BBC]
- Women’s History Month: Empress Taitu Bitul
- The Significance of the 1896 Battle of Adwa
- A Memoir of First US Diplomat’s Meetings With Emperor Menelik
- A Visitor from Ethiopia Discovers Harlem in 1931
- Ethiopia & Black America: The Forgotten Story of Melaku & Robinson
- Leo Hansberry, Founder of Ethiopian Research Council
- The Africans who fought in WWII
- First Ethiopian Delegation to the U.S. in 1919 Made Headlines
- African American and Ethiopian Relations
- Queens, Spies, and Servants: A History of Ethiopian Women in Military Affairs
- Ethiopian Developments of the 1950s and 1960s
- Emperor Haile Sellassie’s Post-War Foreign Policy
- Ethio-American Post-War Relations
- Ethiopia's Post World War II Relations with the British
- 1941: The Italian Departure, and the Arrival of the British
- The Ethiopian Liberation Campaign, 1941 Mussolini’s Entry into the European War
- The Ethiopian Patriot Resistance, 1939-1941
- The Italian Occupation Years
- May Chaw and Badoglio’s Occupation of Addis Ababa
- Anglo-French Diplomacy, and the Initial Italo-Ethiopian Campaign of 1935-6
- League of Nations Sanctions on Italy
- Mussolini and Ethiopia
- The Italo-Ethiopian Scenario, 1935
- The Emperor’s Coronation, and Pre-War Reforms
- Empress Zawditu, and the Tafari Makonnen Regency
- Menilek’s Failing Health, European Attempts to Partition Ethiopia, and the Rise of Lej Iyasu
- The Eucalyptus Tree, and Ethiopia’s First Modern Schools and Hospitals.
- The Beginnings of Ethiopia’s Modernisation
- Trade in Ethiopia in Modern Times
- A Glimpse at My Mother’s (Sylvia Pankhurst) Archives
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