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Ethiopian History

Unknown | Wednesday, April 16, 2014
     Ancient Ethiopian History
  1. Axum (Aksum)
  2. Trade in Ethiopia in Ancient Times 
  3. Ethiopian Manuscripts: Bindings and Illustration 
  4. Ethiopian Christian Art: Icons, Wall Paintings and Manuscripts
  5. Ethiopian-Indian Relations in Ancient and Early Medieval Times 
  6. The Microfilming of Ethiopian Manuscripts: A Nostalgic View 
  7. The Preservation of Ethiopian Culture 
  8. Lives of Ethiopian Saints
  9. Ethiopia’s Missing Statues 
  10. Traditional Ethiopian Medical Text-Books, and Botanical Gardens 
  11. How To Lose Your History 
  12. The Temple of Yeha, and its Killer Trees 
  13. Medical Activities in Early Times of Ethiopia 
  14. Ancient and Medieval Life in Ethiopia 
  15. Missionary Printing – and Ethiopian Early Study Abroad 
  16. Ge’ez Literature, Church Libraries, and the Coming, from Europe, of the Printed Word 
  17. Education and Literacy in Old-Time Ethiopia: Christian, Muslim, and Falasha 
  18. Poetical and Other Studies in Ethiopia 
  19. The Tragic Fire at Dabra Damo Monastic Library 
  20. St. Yared – the great Ethiopian composer 
  21. History of Ethiopian Church Presence in Jerusalem
  22. Ancient Ethiopia or Kush
  23. Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization
  24. Assumptions and Interpretations of Ethiopian History (Part I)
  25. Assumptions and Interpretations of Ethiopian History (Part II)
  26. World’s first illustrated Christian bible discovered at Ethiopian monastery
  27. Ethiopian Christ icon found 500 years on
   Medieval Ethiopian History
  1. Ethiopian Manuscripts: Bindings and Illustration 
  2. History of Ethiopian Church Presence in Jerusalem
  3. Artistic Developments of the Gondar Period 
  4. Ethiopian Christian Art: Icons, Wall Paintings and Manuscripts 
  5. Ethiopian-Indian Relations in Ancient and Early Medieval Times
  6. Ethio-Indian Trade, and Slaves, in Medieval Times 
  7. The Microfilming of Ethiopian Manuscripts: A Nostalgic View 
  8. The Preservation of Ethiopian Culture 
  9. Lives of Ethiopian Saints 
  10. Ethiopia’s Missing Statues 
  11. Traditional Ethiopian Medical Text-Books, and Botanical Gardens 
  12. How To Lose Your History 
  13. The Lalibala Churches 
  14. King Lalibala and his Monolithic Churches  
  15. The Medical Activities of James Bruce, and his 19th Century Successors in Ethiopia 
  16. Medical Activities in Early Times of Ethiopia
  17. Innovation, or Lack of It, in Medieval and Gondarine Times
  18. Ideas of Innovation in Medieval Times in Ethiopia 
  19. Ancient and Medieval Life in Ethiopia
  20. Missionary Education – and Literacy – in the Nineteenth Century - in Ethiopia 
  21. Some Ethiopian Early Foreign-Educated Students
  22. Missionary Printing – and Ethiopian Early Study Abroad 
  23. Ge’ez Literature, Church Libraries, and the Coming, from Europe, of the Printed Word 
  24. Education and Literacy in Old-Time Ethiopia: Christian, Muslim, and Falasha 
  25. Poetical and Other Studies in Ethiopia 
  26. The Half-Falasha Emperor Ya’qob Overthrown, and His Brothers Rebel
  27. Imperial Dynastic Marriages and the Beta Esra’el, or Falashas 
  28. Ethiopia’s Half-Falasha Emperor Ya’qob 
  29. The Tragic Fire at Dabra Damo Monastic Library 
  30. A Tale of Four Chruches 
  31. Saint Matthew, and Two Eighteenth Century Italian Artists, and Their Ethiopian Vision 
  32. Ethiopia, Egypt, and the Nile: An Historical Fantasy (Part 2)
  33. Ethiopia, Egypt, and the Nile: An Historical Fantasy (Part 1) 
  34. The Ethiopian- Egyptian War: 1874 –1876 
  35. History of Ethiopian Church Presence in Jerusalem
  36. Ethiopian Christ icon found 500 years on
   Modern Ethiopian History
  1. Prelude to Ethiopian Revolution  
  2. Man of the Year: Haile Selassie - TIME Magazine
  3. The Africans who fought in WWII
  4. Haile Selassie in America: Q & A with Professor Ted Vestal
  5. An Ethiopian hero of the Korean War [BBC]
  6. Women’s History Month: Empress Taitu Bitul
  7. The Significance of the 1896 Battle of Adwa
  8. A Memoir of First US Diplomat’s Meetings With Emperor Menelik
  9. A Visitor from Ethiopia Discovers Harlem in 1931
  10. Ethiopia & Black America: The Forgotten Story of Melaku & Robinson
  11. Leo Hansberry, Founder of Ethiopian Research Council
  12. The Africans who fought in WWII
  13. First Ethiopian Delegation to the U.S. in 1919 Made Headlines
  14. African American and Ethiopian Relations
  15. Queens, Spies, and Servants: A History of Ethiopian Women in Military Affairs
  16. Ethiopian Developments of the 1950s and 1960s 
  17. Emperor Haile Sellassie’s Post-War Foreign Policy 
  18. Ethio-American Post-War Relations 
  19. Ethiopia's Post World War II Relations with the British 
  20. 1941: The Italian Departure, and the Arrival of the British 
  21. The Ethiopian Liberation Campaign, 1941 Mussolini’s Entry into the European War 
  22. The Ethiopian Patriot Resistance, 1939-1941 
  23. The Italian Occupation Years 
  24. May Chaw and Badoglio’s Occupation of Addis Ababa 
  25. Anglo-French Diplomacy, and the Initial Italo-Ethiopian Campaign of 1935-6 
  26. League of Nations Sanctions on Italy 
  27. Mussolini and Ethiopia 
  28. The Italo-Ethiopian Scenario, 1935
  29. The Emperor’s Coronation, and Pre-War Reforms 
  30. Empress Zawditu, and the Tafari Makonnen Regency
  31. Menilek’s Failing Health, European Attempts to Partition Ethiopia, and the Rise of Lej Iyasu 
  32. The Eucalyptus Tree, and Ethiopia’s First Modern Schools and Hospitals. 
  33. The Beginnings of Ethiopia’s Modernisation 
  34. Trade in Ethiopia in Modern Times
  35. A Glimpse at My Mother’s (Sylvia Pankhurst) Archives
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