An Oromo History (Seenaa Oromoo)
Verbs in the Affirmative
To express actions completed in the past, verbs are conjugated in the
simple past tense. Verb groups described in Chapter 4 remain the same
independent of verb tense. That is, if one knows the present-future
conjugation pattern for a verb, one can accurately conjugate that verb
in the simple past (or any other tense, for that matter). Compared to
the present-future affirmative conjugation, only the final vowel changes
to form the simple past. The table below shows how to change a verb
conjugated in the present-future to the present negative and simple past
final vowel in the present aff |
ending in present neg |
ending in past aff |
a | u | e |
i | u | e |
u | an | an(i) |
So that “you learn” is baratta, “you don't learn” is hin barattu, and “you learned” is baratte.
The exceptions to this rule are the “to be” verbs: dha and jiruu. These verbs are only used in the present-future tense, and in the past tense are replaced by the verb turuu, which in the present tense means “to stay/wait”. To say “it is present” is jira, but “it was present” is ture. This verb is regular, as shown in the conjugation table below.
“To be” in the Simple Past | |||
ani | nan ture | nuti | ni turre |
ati | ni turte | isin | ni turtani |
inni | ni ture | isaan | ni turani |
isheen | ni turte |
The preverbs nan (or -n suffix) and ni are used in the past tense just as they are in the present-future tense (see Chapter 4 for use of nan and ni).
Verbs in the Negative
Verbs in the simple past negative use the hin preverb (as in the present-future tense negative) and the simple past form from the 2nd
person plural. The simple past negative is therefore the same for all
persons. Context or a pronoun are required to clarify the person to whom
the verb is referring. To say “I didn't know” is “ani hin beekne”, “you didn't know” is “ati hin beekne”, “they didn't know” is “isaan hin beekne”, etc.
Like dha, miti is only used in the present-future tense. In the past tense, it is replaced by hin turre, meaning “was/were not”.
Verbs from the main conjugation groups are shown below for present
affirmative, present negative, past affirmative, and past negative.
Deemuu — 'to go' (regular verb) | ||||
Present | Past | |||
Affirmative | Negative | Affirmative | Negative | |
ani | nan deema | hin deemu | nan deeme | hin deemne |
nuti | deemna | hin deemnu | deemne | hin deemne |
ati | deemta | hin deemtu | deemte | hin deemne |
isin | deemtu | hin deemtan | deemtani | hin deemne |
inni | deema | hin deemu | deeme | hin deemne |
isheen | deemti | hin deemtu | deemte | hin deemne |
isaan | deemu | hin deeman | deemani | hin deemne |
Nyaachuu — 'to eat' (-chuu verb) | ||||
Present | Past | |||
Affirmative | Negative | Affirmative | Negative | |
ani | nan nyaadha | hin nyaadhu | nan nyaadhe | hin nyaanne |
nuti | nyaanna | hin nyaannu | nyaanne | hin nyaanne |
ati | nyaatta | hin nyaattu | nyaatte | hin nyaanne |
isin | nyaattu | hin nyaattan | nyaattani | hin nyaanne |
inni | nyaata | hin nyaatu | nyaate | hin nyaanne |
isheen | nyaatti | hin nyaattu | nyaatte | hin nyaanne |
isaan | nyaatu | hin nyaatan | nyaatani | hin nyaanne |
Haasa'uu — 'to talk' (-oof- verb) | ||||
Present | Past | |||
Affirmative | Negative | Affirmative | Negative | |
ani | nan haasa'a | hin haasa'u | nan haasa'e | hin haasoofne |
nuti | haasoofna | hin haasoofnu | haasoofne | hin haasoofne |
ati | haasoofta | hin haasooftu | haasoofte | hin haasoofne |
isin | haasooftu | hin haasooftan | haasooftani | hin haasoofne |
inni | haasa'a | hin haasa'u | haasa'e | hin haasoofne |
isheen | haasoofti | hin haasooftu | haasoofte | hin haasoofne |
isaan | haasa'u | hin haasa'an | haasa'ani | hin haasoofne |
Danda'uu — 'to be able' (-ees- verb) | ||||
Present | Past | |||
Affirmative | Negative | Affirmative | Negative | |
ani | nan danda'a | hin danda'u | nan danda'e | hin dandeenye |
nuti | dandeenya | hin dandeenyu | dandeenye | hin dandeenye |
ati | dandeesa | hin dandeesu | dandeese | hin dandeenye |
isin | dandeesu | hin dandeesan | dandeesani | hin dandeenye |
inni | danda'a | hin danda'u | danda'e | hin dandeenye |
isheen | dandeesi | hin dandeesu | dandeese | hin dandeenye |
isaan | danda'u | hin danda'an | danda'ani | hin dandeenye |
Vocabulary from the Narrative
aadaa | culture, tradition |
ajjeesuu | to kill |
akeekachuu | to observe |
akka | like, as |
akkasumatti | in this way |
akkuma | just as, just like |
akkuma ta'eti | somehow |
baafachuu | to escape, flee |
bal'achuu | to widen |
bara | time period, era |
bara dheeraaf | “for a long time” |
biyya | country |
cabsuu | to break |
deebi'uu | to come back, return |
dheera | tong |
dhorkuu | to forbid, prevent |
dhumuu | to be finished, completed |
diina | enemy |
diinagdee | economy |
duula | battle, campaign |
duultuu | soldiers |
eeguu | to wait |
fixuu | to finish, exterminate |
fudhachuu | to take, receive |
ga'uu | to reach, be enough |
gargaaruu | to aid, assist |
gubuu | to burn |
guddachuu | to grow, develop |
guddisuu | to increase |
haa ta'u malee | but, however |
Habashaa | Habasha, Abyssinian (from Amhara) |
hafuu | to remain |
hamaa | mean, vicious, evil |
hamaatti | viciously |
hoggaa, yoom | when (relative pronoun) |
humna | power, force |
humna lolaa | army [lit. “fighting force”] |
jaarraa | century |
jabaa | strong |
jala | under |
jalqabuu | to begin |
jarjaruu | to be in a hurry |
kana booda | after this |
karaa galaana | by sea |
kufuu | to fall, die in battle |
lafa | land |
lola | fight |
loluu | to fight |
lubbu | life |
magaalaa | town, city |
meeshaa | goods, materials |
meeshaa duulaa | Weapons [lit. “fighting materials”] |
mootii | king |
mootummaa | kingdom |
o'aa | hot |
obsa | patience |
obsa wajjin | patiently [lit. “with patience”] |
of bulchiinsaa | self-governance |
of jala bulchuu | to control |
polotikaa | political system |
qopheessuu | to prepare, make ready |
rukutuu | to hit, strike |
saba | people, nation |
seensisuu | to cause to enter |
seenuu | to enter |
sirni | system |
tokko-tokkoon | one by one |
wal loluu | to fight each other |
yaada | thought, idea |
yeroo | time |
yeroo kana keessatti | “at this time” |
- Some dialects prefer -tan and -an for 2nd and 3rd person plural past, while others tend to use -tani and -ani. Both are used in western Oromia and are considered correct in the Wellega dialect. Only the later method will be used for examples in this text for consistancy.
Source: Wikibooks