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Friday, May 2, 2014

Amharic Adjectives

Unknown | Friday, May 02, 2014
Amharic Adjectives
Welcome to the second Amharic lesson about adjectives. This time we will first learn about colors, followed by grammar rules, then weather expressions, finally a conversation in Amharic to help you practice your daily phrases. To hear the pronunciation, just click on the sound icon.

black Audio
ጥቁር [t'əqurə]
grey Audio
ግራጫ [gərač'a]
white Audio
ነጭ [näč'ə]
blue Audio
ስማያዊ [səmayawi]
green Audio
አረንጓዴ [ʾäränəgäde]
yellow Audio
ቢጫ [bič'a]
red Audio
ቀይ [qäyə]
brown Audio
ቡና አይነት [buna ʾäyənätə]

Adjectives Grammar Rules
In general adjectives are words which describe or modify another person or object in a given sentence. For example: a beautiful flower the adjective is [beautiful] because it describes the noun [flower]. The following examples use adjectives in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence.
Grammar RulesAmharic + Pronunciation
my house is white
[noun + adjective]
ቤቴ ነጭ ነው Audio
[bete näč'ə näwə]
your country is big
[noun + adjective]
አገርህ ትልቅ ነው Audio
[ʾägärəhə tələqə näwə]
new books are expensive
[plural + adjective]
አዲስ መፅሃፍት ውድ ናቸው Audio
[ʾädisə mäs'əhafətə wədə načäwə]
we are happy here
[pronoun + verb + adjective]
እዚህ ደስተኞች ነን Audio
[ ʾəzihə däsətäñočə nänə]
she has three small dogs
[adjective + plural]
ሶስት ቡችላዎች አሏት Audio
[sosətə bučəlawočə ʾälätə ]
this language is very easy
[adverb + adjective]
ቋንቋው በጣም ቀላል ነው Audio
[ qwanəqwawə bät'amə qälalə näwə]
I have a small green house
[adjective + adjective]
ትንሽ አረንጓዴ ቤት አለኝ Audio
[tənəšə ʾäränəgäde betə ʾäläñə ]
We're not done yet! The following is a list of more adjectives for you, often used when referring to weather conditions. I think it would be wise to memorize them.

cold Audio
ብርዳማ [bərədama]
hot Audio
ሞቃታማ [moqatama]
cloudy Audio
ደመናማ [dämänama]
rainy Audio
ዝናባማ [zənabama]
snowy Audio
በረዶማ [bärädoma]
sunny Audio
ፀሃያማ [s'ähayama]
windy Audio
ነፋሻማ [näfašama]
warm Audio
ሞቃት [moqatə]

Conversation in Amharic

Now we finally reach the most exciting part, the practice of the daily expressions used in almost every conversation. I recommend memorizing these phrases, because you will need them for sure.

hiሃይ[hayə] Audio
how are you?እንዴት ነህ?[ʾənədetə nähə? ] Audio
I'm good, thank youደህና ነኝ, አመሰግናለው[dähəna näñə, ʾämäsägənaläwə] Audio
and you?አንተስ?[ʾänətäsə?] Audio
what is your name?ስምህ ማነው?[səməhə manäwə?] Audio
my name is Mayaማያ[ maya ] Audio
nice to meet youአንተን በማግኘቴ ደስ ብሎኛል[ʾänətänə bämagəñäte däsə bəloñalə ] Audio

I hope you enjoyed this lesson about adjectives in Amharic. If you have any question about this lesson please contact mehere. The next lesson is below.

  Source: http://learn101.org/

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